Business Growth Strategies

Finding the Right Business Growth Strategy

October 13, 2020

Bob Lobos

If your business is not meeting its goals and expectation, is stagnant, or needs to pivot, you need to consider taking on a new business growth strategy that will work with your business’s strengths and eliminate its weaknesses. As business owners and managers, it’s easy to get comfortable with your original growth strategy. If it worked at the onset of your business, why would you want to change it now? It’s important to remember that business owners have to be lifelong learners and adapt to succeed in a rapidly-changing society.

Push past your comfort zone to consider a business growth strategy that can launch your business forward. Read this article to see how updating your business growth strategy benefits your company.

What to Do Before Choosing a Business Growth Strategy

The first step you should take is to evaluate where your business is at today and where you want it to be. Remember that even though growth is the goal, too much growth can overwhelm a business that isn’t equipped to handle it. People and processes must be efficient and balanced to take on the responsibilities that come with expanding your business. Ask yourself, ”Does my business have the capacity right now to handle new growth?” If you do, then you’re ready to adopt a new strategy for growth. If you don’t, you need to cover a few bases before taking on more business.

A business coach like Wolf Creek BGI can give your vision direction and help you develop your next steps, so you have the resources for a new strategy. Through assessing your business’s four fundamental aspects – people, strategy, cash, and execution, Wolf Creek BGI coaches can help you fix structural problems before developing a growth strategy.

How to Choose a Business Growth Strategy

You want to choose a business growth strategy that is, above all else, flexible. If business owners learned anything this year, it’s that unexpected changes can strike at any moment. A business’s ability to adapt to the circumstances can make or break that business in a time of crisis. However, if the strategy is too rigid, then there’s little room for creativity, pivoting and change.

You can develop your business growth strategy around any aspect of your business that you want to improve upon. Employee engagement is a highly useful metric, especially while businesses are operating remotely. If you increase employee engagement effectively, customer satisfaction and profitability are going to improve simultaneously.

Other metrics you can use to design your strategy include:

  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Sales Data
  • Revenue
  • Profitability
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Market Penetration

A strategy developed around one or more of these aspects will bring fresh ideas, diversity of thought, and ultimately – business growth.

Work with Wolf Creek BGI for Business Growth Strategy Construction

At Wolf Creek BGI, we help you build your business growth strategy around your business’s ultimate goal, whatever you envision that goal to be. We call that goal the BHAG – the big, hairy, audacious goal. The business coaches at Wolf Creek Business Growth Institute will be there for you, from the conception of your business growth strategy to achieving your BHAG and beyond. We work with you to develop a rhythm of communication with your employees that breeds accountability and future-oriented thinking.

Contact the business coaches at Wolf Creek BGI to help you develop the best business growth strategy for your company’s goals.